First of all, thank you for all who supported and voted on the 1st community proposal. In short summary almost 100 people voted and proposal achieved 100% on YES, however only around 12.5% has been reached out of required 40% quorum threshold.
Unfortunately the project didn’t have enough participation, which is a bit surprising.
I have taken the risk by raising the proposal mainly on the assumption that f(x) validators are going to vote as per October Hash Out explanation and the information gathered from this post. However my assumption was wrong and none of the servers participated.
I’ll reassess my situation and try another luck next year. Personally I think it’s better to wait for community-based validators, so network is more decentralized to avoid single point of failure.
I may start slowly on the project on my own, but without the fund, it’s going to be more challenging and slow process.
Thanks again.