Depending on TPS, stability, etc of Function X, it might be worth having a thread of peripheral devices that can run on FX eco in the future.
1 - Smart Camera partnership/s or early engagement with security firms to run on FX & saved on FX IPFS (decentralized storage system). First use case can be Cambodia smart city for example if possible.
2 - Drones are expected to run soon on WiFi, 4G and 5G. Maybe something the communities can brainstorm here…
Reminder; any ideas thrown here doesn’t totally have to make sense, we’re simply trying to expand our use cases as a community and give suggestions, so please feel free to express ideas over time.
3 - Smart front door bell / ring , which will be un hackable (more secure) via blockchain tech, unlike Ring company where it has happened.
Update to smart cameras, maybe an open source platform (which is all software based on supported specs/equipments. Firms simply have an option to download it and plug and play. The platform can have all the features and beyond the traditional UI/UX design and functionalities. #IPFS
4 - Not sure if possible, but is it possible to have BOB’s OS working on house phones? If so that would be dope.
5 - Also another reminder, when I spoke to Walter (our geeky Argentinian Pundian, about 2 years back now) we had this lengthy discussion wheather it was possible to have a BOB OS device to cross call traditional non Bob handsets. His understanding were it was possible… I hope this can be achieved…
Please add more.