DAOverse @Alchimist @KuzoIV:
Just bear in mind, actual end products, need to meet end product expectations or desires. I have noted your sustainability awarenesses and their issues surmounted.
There is considerable consistency how dedicated you are to DAOverse and your willingness to engage with lengthy detailed explanations. I never doubted tbh, because of many reasons, some I break down below.
Perhaps what is needed is more support, ensuring it’s success and feedbacks on dedicated a telegram group is a good start.
I can go on why you’ve been consistent, between two different period of core Pundian supporters. Sheriff’s been here while I was in the main group years back, Patrick entered afterwards. Its a long explaination if I start typing, which I think is not necessary.
- With more engaging support, ideas and various ways how pundi/fx communities can actually get involved with it all.
These are the things that are needed imo, not the amount requested (I’ll come to this in a moment), ruggages, or short coming.
So far as read, you’ve held your end of the robust plan and intricate decisions and details.
- I believe had you stated and started off by explaining that, a a world (actuality the City of Teel) is sufficient enough to build with the initial egf funds, would have been more beneficial for all parties.
However saying all this, this has imo been the test of critical issues, a leaning curve, and further testing of your WP’s creditabiliiy, liability and vision.
- The vision is endless here. I think it’s important we see this through and actually think of other usecases for the community to plug-in further, somehow.
So some ideas can be as such;
a) Maybe DAOverse can utilise with Holoride project. Slight chance here, only because how the projects type of usecase is applied. But I do think its worth checking the project out, to see if it can benefit you in the long road ahead. Something is ticking in my mind, but can’t connect it all yet. You’ll see when you see the project & what I mean, worth a look to formulate ideas or suggestions for DAOverse.
b) Custom made characters can be a paid exclusivity.
c) Can BlindBox be built on fx core to remove eth cost and automatically on-board a large number of Pundians…
d) Able to mint bosses/ or side mission characters, out of the classes already created. But maybe have to fulfil multiple steps.
e) Buying items (using p/fx/purse in order to expand in-game missions, fight challenges, special bosses etc, and given special treasure box rewards, legendry loots, more nft drops, or special building materials for building homes, etc
Plug into #realm project and really open up endless possibilities. It’s basically portals into your world, through theirs. Check it out called #realm https://www.realm.art/
Perhaps asking other talented community programmers or wizards to join DAOverse, eg Kenorb, Claudio rings to mind. Frenchxcore too busy.
Some conclusions;
- I think all questions and answers are exhausted now, and we as a fx forum community need more ideas for the city.
Having more ideas here will certainly bring much more plug-in opportunities, for example some here in the future, may be able to make a proposal to open up something in Teel City, like a store, museum, mercks, etc (a use case in short)
Twitter handle Minato (who makes the VR stuff could be someone else to consider within PundiVerse or even play a part of DAOverse…) Just an idea.
Purchasing of land or existing homes… Things like these would be great ideas. Ie leaving plenty of room for future plug-ins and use cases for Teel City.
Communities can possibly come up with more story concepts, ideas, twist and turns for the paid writers, making it more enjoyable as possible. Or even side lores, mission etc.
Can you see, we have started on the wrong foot here imo, if they didn’t derserve a chance, then who will. Let’s grow this bad boy and fx and pundix folks.
Unreal engine 5 is more than good enough, some of the best PS4/5 X box uses Unreal engine 5. It’s gonna look pretty and slick and that’s what draws attentions and the crowd with a bit of marketing/community support.
People like graphics and it displays quality and efforts to untrained eyes, regardless if game play is poor and no story structure. I’ve been into causal gaming for years, gave up since 2017, since this freaking crypto came into my life.
I really have to read through the WP again, after reading all these comments. Apologies for my delays and absences.
I think we have been too focused on the chuck needed (and other things), rather than thinking a big project needs bigger funding. I think we kinda have to thank both team members here with their patiences and resilience to explain to us why. I can see both sides here, and thank them again because this was the hurdle to cross, they both understanding the concerns realised and vice versa.
Another way of looking at this, is that it’s only 1/75M. We’ll have plenty left, plus the commissions of (40%) returns back to community wallet/s. A very well thought action plan and deserves all the backing from every member imo.
Let’s not forget the fx coins were built up by everyone, including the community, the team developments of course and supporters like Patrick and Shady over the years. Yes they can go elsewhere but have not, said numerous time.
Let’s conclude this on all manners and turn a new leaf, whereby they can actually live & implement their dreams and show us their evidential skills and talents.
Morning Suggestion;
To change the wp font. People are put off with the slightest details to read. Making it eye appealing and not difficult to read is a must. People won’t be bothered if their eye needs to squint.
Sorry to rumble on, but I could have worded the whole thing better or differently, but I am playing catch up, and wrote this very late last night. I don’t even have time to edit things properly.