I don’t mean to be rude, but to get your IP adresses, I just need to have a running validator and check the logs.
that is if they havent configured their sentry nodes. unless im missing something
Perfectly right.
I don’t know what you mean…
You can’t get someone IP address from logs; You will only see sentry nodes.
Plus if we were to use each others sentries; In my case it would mean a firewall exception is being made to allow connections from the sentry to my Main Validator…
That kind of defeats the whole purpose of a firewall.
Not to be rude but I don’t think you have a good enough understanding of the system.
Will answer to that later this month or in february with a proof of concept. But a DDOS attack can easily be directed to sentry nodes as well, and that would work until we have plenty running, which is not the case currently.
But please note that I do not appreciate personal judgements like that : this is counter productive. You’ve been doing a very good work of information there with Alif. No need for that…
We are currently doing our best to vulgarize the FxCore to all, and to provide tools to allow the community to “play” with the network, with full transparency.
There is most certainly need for that. If someone reading this starts thinking that it’s okay to share their main validators IP address because we’re apparently sharing sentries… it will undermine the overall security of the network.
A shared sentry is essentially just a node running with no other config.
I don’t beat around the bush with formalities I’m sorry if that comes off as rude or “aggressive”.
I believe in sharing information when I’m certain and I expect the same from others. When I’m wrong I expect to be told so just like I’ll tell you when you have the wrong idea about something.
Don’t take it personally. I want us all to grow together and learn.
I was meaning “no need to send personal judgements”. For the rest, it’s all good.
But if you have just one or more sentry nodes, it’s just as if you were not running without sentry nodes. If someone can attack your sentry nodes, it’s the same as if they were to attack your validator. Just need to send trash to your sentry nodes from a nice list of ghosted-computers on port 26656 (or another one if you changed it).
Beside that, having one validator with no sentries but a good hardware firewall is much better…
The protection really comes from the overall FxCore network, if everyone is setting up sentry nodes, and sharing them (i.e configuring their validator to accept only trusted sentry nodes, each sentry node being configured to discuss with only one validator, but each validator allowed to discuss with any shared & trusted sentry node).
That’s why I don’t agree with you: just when you say you think I don’t understand how it works.
Unhappily, I can’t talk about my job and my team’s job… But trust me (or not), I think we know what we’re talking about… Because it’s our job to understand how everything works…even at low-level…
You know what, you’re right. Carry on. Your team is on a great track and you understand everything.
There are different types of keys, validator and wallet keys. do have a look at the link above @Superbit123 @Bernando @KuzoIV .
Additionally, once youve bounded your wallet to the validator key in the create-validator
transaction, majority of subsequent queries/transactions made be made in a validator’s capacity.
for eg. say you would like to vote on a proposal
fxcored tx gov vote <proposal_id> <Yes/No/NoWithVeto/Abstain>
running the above command, and inputting your wallet key say --from=Richard
(this key will be pointing to my wallet’s address with the prefix fx…)
Additionally do not forget to add the gas fields to your above transaction
because your validator key is bounded to the wallet address, sending the transaction above will vote on behalf of all your delegated stake as well.
Thank you for returning on this. I appreciate the clarity and example code.
I am trying to make a validatior node but I am stuck and I’m not sure about something.
I am very new to this things and also I don’t have a job in tech area, but I love challenges and technology.
I am trying to make the node on a dedicated server and I am not sure what O.S should I install on it. I tryied three days without any luck.
And I read on docs that I have to install another node on a local system in order to configure a ledger. Can someone explain to me a little bit about these two things please? I would really appreciate.
hey @n1col2s !
Great to hear you are trying to set up a validator node. Could you share with screenshots what are the problems you are encountering? When you say dedicated server do you mean a ‘compute instance’ on one of the cloud providers? For O.S ubuntu, would be a great start if you have no preference.
Let me get back to you on the ledger question in a bit
Hello @magicOctopus ,
About the question with “dedicated server”, yes a compute instance. I was getting really frustrated that I didn’t really understand what I have done wrong and I reinstalled the O.S. First I did that and after a while it came in my mind to ask on forum.
I had already installed the fx core and the full node with docker. What I wasn’t sure, when I was checking the node if it’s synced I had 3 millions blocks and on explorer are almost 400k. Is this right? And when I integrated the evm I did something wrong with the app.toml file because after I entered command “ fxcored network” I was getting and error “ failed to merge configuration: While parsing config: (153, 1): parsing error: keys cannot contain : character”.
It really depends on how your set up is. If you are intending to run your node in the cloud and if you want to use a ledger then yes, you’d need to have just the CLI installed locally (wherever you intend to plug you ledger in).
the CLI is like a user interface and in the above set up, since you already have a full-node running remotely which you will connect to, you won’t need to run another full-node locally. you will need the CLI to connect to the remote server so that you can also connect your ledger as per this setup.
based on your questions, i have a few questions to clarify to better understand how to help you
- are you setting up fxcore Testnet version or Mainnet?
- are you running the full-node remotely?
- are you installing the CLI locally and having issues with the OS?
Hi @Richard,
I am installing mainnet.
I will run it remotely.
I wasn’t exactly sure what I have to do locally. But now I have a better understanding.
I will try later, if I have any issue I’ll ask.
Thank you!
Hi @Richard
I am trying to complete my Validator, but i get this error using my ledger. Did you see this before?
Default sign-mode ‘direct’ not supported by Ledger, using sign-mode ‘amino-json’.
Error: unmarshal to types.PubKey failed after 4 bytes (unrecognized prefix bytes Dxxxxx6): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi @defiekosjo , the fxcored tx staking create-validator command is to be keyed in your local terminal after doing the cloud ledger setup.
You may also refer to the following guide/ set-up video.
[1:04:37]. Ledger Integration for fxcored
[1:24:59] Setting Up a Validator for f(x)Core
@wm451 Hi Derrick,
I have done this, but without success. I have seen a troubleshoot where they mention accounts in the genesis.json. How can i check if my node is installed correctly?
u can test out with fxcored network. supposed to show network as mainnet. chainid: fxcore
also check if fxcored.service is started correctly.
sudo systemctl status fxcored
Does the docker node setup require to run as daemon? It would not run the node as daemon when i tried it.