f(x)Core Mainnet Validator Updates

hi , this one ?

Indeed, important question: setting up and building the binary from sources using release/v4.2.x lead us to release/v4.2.x-ba2dda364e7f5202ccd410c1d0aa65a001c8d28b

But v4.2.0 is different…

@ClaudioxBarros @FrenchXCore
Hey guys, please try again, it should point to the right commit now.

git show -s

You should see something like this:
Screenshot 2023-05-29 at 11.25.42 AM

Got it : ==> release/v4.2.x-6fac022a7612b30e446568714ef4abd53a20d870


Temperature Check

Hey Validators, we would like to get a sense of how many of you are planning to upgrade to v4.2.x with Cosmovisor. Please vote in the poll so we can get a good idea :slight_smile:

Will you be upgrading to v4.2.x with Cosmovisor?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

“FX FriendsX” READY) v4.2.x


Starscan now supports the block countdown for the upgrade. It will make tracking the upgrade height easier now.



Hey everyone, how’s it going? Today is the mainnet upgrade height, and I hope you’re all prepared. If you haven’t utilized cosmovisor yet, please be ready at the designated upgrade time to perform the necessary update. We strongly recommend using cosmovisor for automatic upgrades.

You can find the countdown link here


Greetings everyone! I hope you’re doing well. I’d like to inform you that we will be conducting an upgrade to address a high severity issue (Cosmos SDK Advisory Barberry) that is impacting the cosmos-sdk. The code for the fix is scheduled to be released this afternoon, Singapore time. The upgrade process itself is quite straightforward; all you need to do is replace the binary or restart Docker with the new image. Additionally, we will update the GitBook documentation with detailed steps to guide you through the upgrade process.


Attention validators! The fix code has been released as version 4.2.1, and you can now proceed with the upgrade. The steps for this upgrade remain the same as the previous one. In case you require a refresher, here are the steps I followed to upgrade the binary:

  1. Navigate to the “fx-core” directory:
cd fx-core
  1. Pull the latest changes and switch to the release/v4.2.x branch:
git pull && git checkout release/v4.2.x
  1. Build the project:
make build
  1. Stop the fxcorevisor service:
systemctl stop fxcorevisor
  1. Copy the newly built binary to the cosmovisor upgrade directory:
cp ./build/bin/fxcored $HOME/.fxcore/cosmovisor/upgrades/v4.2.x/bin/
  1. Copy the binary to the Go bin directory (if applicable):
cp ./build/bin/fxcored $(go env GOPATH)/bin/
  1. Start the fxcorevisor service:
systemctl start fxcorevisor

For those using Docker, simply restart the service using the new image.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance!


FrenchXCore upgraded to V4.2.1 on all nodes…

1 Like

hi :wave: I upgrade a fue days ago my testnet validator to version 4.2.1, and he stop working.
Had a issue in a block from a proposal i think.
fixed the issue deleting the data folder and download last snapshot. node is running now and is sync.
now i need to unjail the server, and was only 100fx selfdelegated, so i need to delegate a fue more first and then unjail
when i try to delegate i get this error

fxcored tx staking delegate fxvaloper1xdqas5ak98us9eljqj5ppj5mhmku4slh2664l8 100000000000000000FX --gas=“auto” --gas-adjustment=1.5 --gas-prices=“40000000000000FX” --from=clauxxxxx --chain-id=dhobyghaut
Enter keyring passphrase:
Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = rpc error: code = Unknown desc = recovered: calculated final stake for delegator fx1xdqas5ak98us9eljqj5ppj5mhmku4slhzt82p8 greater than current stake
final stake: 100000000000000000000.000000000000000000
current stake: 99900000000000000000.000000000000000000
goroutine 845 [running]:
runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x64
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.newDefaultRecoveryMiddleware.func1({0x21e69c0, 0x4001a00aa0})
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/recovery.go:71 +0x24
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.newRecoveryMiddleware.func1({0x21e69c0?, 0x4001a00aa0?})
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/recovery.go:39 +0x34
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.processRecovery({0x21e69c0, 0x4001a00aa0}, 0x40010403d8?)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/recovery.go:28 +0x38
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.processRecovery({0x21e69c0, 0x4001a00aa0}, 0x329a140?)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/recovery.go:33 +0x60
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/baseapp.go:642 +0xa8
panic({0x21e69c0, 0x4001a00aa0})
runtime/panic.go:884 +0x1f4
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/distribution/keeper.Keeper.CalculateDelegationRewards({{0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30750}, {0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, {{0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, 0x4000129078, {0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30780}, {0x326a310, …}, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/distribution/keeper/delegation.go:127 +0x4cc
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/distribution/keeper.Keeper.withdrawDelegationRewards({{0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30750}, {0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, {{0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, 0x4000129078, {0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30780}, {0x326a310, …}, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/distribution/keeper/delegation.go:147 +0x15c
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/distribution/keeper.Hooks.BeforeDelegationSharesModified({{{0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30750}, {0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, {{0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, 0x4000129078, {0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30780}, {0x326a310, …}, …}, …}}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/distribution/keeper/hooks.go:93 +0x11c
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/types.MultiStakingHooks.BeforeDelegationSharesModified({_, _, _}, {{0x3286910, 0x400013c000}, {0x329a140, 0x400b559700}, {{0xb, 0x0}, {0x40024996f0, …}, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/staking/types/hooks.go:73 +0xcc
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/keeper.Keeper.Delegate({{0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30720}, {0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, {0x328bbe0, 0x40014f74a0}, {0xffff74d5feb8, 0x4001542840}, {0x32992b0, 0x4001040498}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/staking/keeper/delegation.go:633 +0x568
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/keeper.msgServer.Delegate({{{0x326a2c0, 0x4001a30720}, {0x3299730, 0x40015902c0}, {0x328bbe0, 0x40014f74a0}, {0xffff74d5feb8, 0x4001542840}, {0x32992b0, 0x4001040498}, …}}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/staking/keeper/msg_server.go:234 +0x3f8
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/types._Msg_Delegate_Handler.func1({0x3286980, 0x40051caf60}, {0x25c3940?, 0x400b558300})
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/staking/types/tx.pb.go:908 +0x74
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.(*MsgServiceRouter).RegisterService.func2.1({0x3288468, 0x40050e7340}, {0x4005838b48?, 0x101218c?}, 0x2640c40?, 0x4004b93248)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/msg_service_router.go:118 +0x98
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/types.Msg_Delegate_Handler({0x264f7a0?, 0x40005d0210}, {0x3288468, 0x40050e7340}, 0x2dad450, 0x4004f23f60)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/staking/types/tx.pb.go:910 +0x12c
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.(*MsgServiceRouter).RegisterService.func2({{0x3286910, 0x400013c000}, {0x329a140, 0x400b559700}, {{0xb, 0x0}, {0x40024996f0, 0xa}, 0x871c5d, {0x168e1100, …}, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/msg_service_router.go:145 +0x32c
, {{0x3286910, 0x400013c000}, {0x329a140, 0x400b559700}, {{0xb, 0x0}, {0x40024996f0, 0xa}, 0x871c5d, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/baseapp.go:788 +0x1a8
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.(*BaseApp).runTx(0x400158a1c0, 0x2, {0x4003e20240, 0x10c, 0x120})
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/baseapp.go:728 +0x960
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/tx.txServer.Simulate({{{0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, {0x32aec40, 0x40016272a0}, 0x0, {0x4001a3e890, 0xa}, {0x32a1d98, 0x40015902c0}, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/x/auth/tx/service.go:131 +0x10c
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types/tx._Service_Simulate_Handler({0x24ec2a0?, 0x4000c80a80}, {0x3288468, 0x4004f7f8c0}, 0x40050a84b0, 0x0)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/types/tx/service.pb.go:926 +0x164
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.(*GRPCQueryRouter).RegisterService.func1({{0x3286910, 0x400013c000}, {0x329a140, 0x400967ec80}, {{0xb, 0x0}, {0x40024996f0, 0xa}, 0x871c5d, {0x168e1100, …}, …}, …}, …)
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/grpcrouter.go:82 +0x150
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.(*BaseApp).handleQueryGRPC(0x400158a1c0, 0x400439ec30, {{0x40050ba480, 0x10f, 0x240}, {0x4005092780, 0x23}, 0x871c5d, 0x0})
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/abci.go:566 +0x108
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/baseapp.(*BaseApp).Query(0x400158a1c0, {{0x40050ba480, 0x10f, 0x240}, {0x4005092780, 0x23}, 0x871c5d, 0x0})
github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/abci.go:410 +0x7f4
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/client.(*localClient).QuerySync(0x4001668de0, {{0x40050ba480, 0x10f, 0x240}, {0x4005092780, 0x23}, 0x0, 0x0})
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/abci/client/local_client.go:256 +0x140
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy.(*appConnQuery).QuerySync(0x4003a6f560?, {{0x40050ba480, 0x10f, 0x240}, {0x4005092780, 0x23}, 0x0, 0x0})
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/proxy/app_conn.go:159 +0x5c
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/core.ABCIQuery(0x8?, {0x4005092780?, 0x4004fea0c0?}, {0x40050ba480?, 0x4004ffcb58?, 0x4d3408?}, 0x2?, 0x2?)
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/rpc/core/abci.go:20 +0x80
reflect.Value.call({0x2311b60?, 0x2db09c8?, 0x4004ffd278?}, {0x2661309, 0x4}, {0x40042f4700, 0x5, 0xdfc36c?})
reflect/value.go:586 +0x838
reflect.Value.Call({0x2311b60?, 0x2db09c8?, 0x271?}, {0x40042f4700?, 0x2649660?, 0x4009d844c0?})
reflect/value.go:370 +0x90
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/jsonrpc/server.makeJSONRPCHandler.func1({0x3284580, 0x400b4d7f50}, 0x40090f5100)
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/rpc/jsonrpc/server/http_json_handler.go:108 +0xc38
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/jsonrpc/server.handleInvalidJSONRPCPaths.func1({0x3284580?, 0x400b4d7f50?}, 0xffff74a31768?)
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/rpc/jsonrpc/server/http_json_handler.go:140 +0x70
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x4009d845c0?, {0x3284580?, 0x400b4d7f50?}, 0xdff438?)
net/http/server.go:2122 +0x38
net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP(0x160?, {0x3284580, 0x400b4d7f50}, 0x40090f5100)
net/http/server.go:2500 +0x13c
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/jsonrpc/server.maxBytesHandler.ServeHTTP({{0x3264400?, 0x4001494440?}, 0x10?}, {0x3284580?, 0x400b4d7f50}, 0x40090f5100)
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/rpc/jsonrpc/server/http_server.go:256 +0x13c
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/rpc/jsonrpc/server.RecoverAndLogHandler.func1({0x3284f40?, 0x4004f722a0}, 0x40090f5100)
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.28/rpc/jsonrpc/server/http_server.go:229 +0x2a8
net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP(0x0?, {0x3284f40?, 0x4004f722a0?}, 0x914060?)
net/http/server.go:2122 +0x38
net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP({0x326bbe8?}, {0x3284f40, 0x4004f722a0}, 0x40090f5100)
net/http/server.go:2936 +0x2c0
net/http.(*conn).serve(0x4004de8480, {0x3286980, 0x40019982d0})
net/http/server.go:1995 +0x518
created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
net/http/server.go:3089 +0x4e8
: panic [cosmos/cosmos-sdk@v0.46.13/baseapp/recovery.go:69] With gas wanted: ‘18446744073709551615’ and gas used: ‘71248’ : unknown request

dont get how to fix this

Bug posted on github #88.
Use of the wrong Key type.

This is a problem with the testnet. After the validator upgrades the v4 version, this situation will occur if they are punished. The next version will fix this problem.

Mainnet is normal


:loudspeaker:Exciting news for #FunctionX community! :rocket:The #fxcore v5.0.x testnet upgrade proposal 134 has been issued, with an upgrade height of 9773000, scheduled for approximately 4 PM SGT on Thursday. Stay tuned as the testnet upgrade releases will be unveiled today. :spiral_calendar:Stay updated!


Hi @lancelai !!

Good job on the consensus update and authz implementations !!
Ready for the upgrade on TESTNET.


1 Like

:rocket: Just in: The latest release is here for #FunctionX #FXCore testnet upgrade version v5.0.0-rc0: Release v5.0.0-rc0 · PundiAI/fx-core · GitHub

:star2: Check out the new enhancements and features. It’s time to explore and experience the future of #blockchain. Update now and stay ahead! :bulb::link: #Crypto


And for those wondering, you can also build it from sources…

cd fx-core
git pull
git checkout v5.0.0-rc0
make build
make install
mkdir ~/.fxcore/cosmosvisor/upgrades/v5.0.x
mkdir ~/.fxcore/cosmosvisor/upgrades/v5.0.x/bin
mv ~/go/bin/fxcored ~/.fxcore/cosmosvisor/upgrades/v5.0.x/bin/

I’m too lazy to go voting on this one, but thanks @lancelai !

BTW, can you explain in details what consensus public key edit brings ?
And as for authz module implementation (transfer delegation permission), are there any restrictions ?



1 Like

@lancelai / @Chloechloe : looks like v5.0.0-rc0 upgrade on testnet didn’t go as planned.
All public validators went inactive (77 of them are now inactive).

Could you please provide us with more info before the end of voting on proposal #41 (August 18th) ?
If not, I might change FrenchXCore validator vote on proposal #41 to NO and recommend everyone else to do so before the proposal passes.



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