Still not working with fx wallet when hosting nft. Only through metamask. But not stable.
Good afternoon everyone!) Who knows some news about foxchange? Complete silence! The impression that the project is on pause!
Update on Fox Project
Today I want to reach out to you and inform everyone about our current situation.
Since our successful proposal, we have built a lot and made good progress.
We released notable updates on the marketplace and many upgrades were made.
- Design
- Charts
- INO Platform
- NFT Collection
- Multichain support
- Ordinals minting on FX CHAIN.
Currently, WAN-Chain building the NFT and Token Bridge for our marketplace, and since our marketplace supports multichain it is a matter of time till we launch it live.
Proposal status:
220,000 FX
110,000 FX claimed = current value 16000USD
110,000 FX unclaimed
Everything was built by our team manually, due to the transparency I show some intern budgets we used for developments cost due to the 110,000FX budget. (TODO are already done)
Please be aware that these are only some of the costs we had.
As everyone can see the costs for the project are way higher than claimed funds, and that’s absolutely fine. I paid with my money and claims from the validator.
Monthly fixed costs for servers, storage, buckets, and infrastructure are around 500€.
These 500€ don’t include any work or developer hours for support or debugging. (Further development of course is not possible).
Our project isn’t able to earn enough revenue to pay for these fixed costs or to pay for further developments and upgrades. Right now everything is paid for with my own money and I feel some kind of pain being around 10000 USD and more in personal loss.
We are still in the deepest bear market with SEC FUD and I don’t want to blame anybody for the current situation:
- small community
- weak market overall
Important This post is not about crying that I lost money in developing my own project. Because I learned SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for my life doing it and I did it with so much passion, I definitely would call it well invest money for my personal development.
My big question to the community and the FX team is how should we continue with FOX project?
I think we archived a great product for 110,000FX so far.
Please let me know what you think about the situation and share your solution.
I want this an open-minded and constructive discussion!
I add some more costs for transparency:
- Prepared marketing campaign including BTCTALK= 3000USD
- Marketing Manager 1200USD
- Handdrawn NFT Collection 4000 USD
Brainstorm Pool:
Another proposal to pay for the next 12 months’ costs to see if the bull market and community growth to FX are happening
Transfer ownership into the fx foundation for further development.
I pay more and hope a bull market is coming
transforming the current proposal so that we are able to claim and continue
shut down (not a option for me)
Relaunch into DAO driven by the FX community
You need collaboration with great nft influence and nft artist
great influencers take great money and great artist take great money too
Just to be clear with the EGF token allocation, there are 4x distribution (121,000 FX in total),
55,000 FX (after proposal passed): FoxGaming Proposal our preview&discussion! - #202 by indra
First Milestone (22,000 FX):
Second Milestone (22,000 FX):
Third Milestone (22,000 FX):
All transactions are recorded here: FoxGaming Proposal our preview&discussion! - #249 by indra
There are 2 parts left to release the whole fund to Fox team:
- Hire 10 NFT artists to launch their NFT on Fox and Function X( this was agreed before the governance proposal submission) : 55,000 FX
- The first ecosystem growth milestone is 5,000 transactions with 250 unique wallet addresses and the second ecosystem growth milestone is 15,000 transactions with 1000 unique wallet addresses (22,000 FX for each milestone).
In my personal opinion, the milestones left are related to user and artist requisitions, and I want to know what your plan is regarding this. I appreciate the effort to build the NFT marketplace and be part of the Function X ecosystem, but I think strategies to acquire users and artists are also important.
I want to see this before we can discuss further.
Thank you.
Thanks the summary of our claimed FX with hash. As mentioned in my above post we claimed around 50% and 50% are unclaimed.
I do support your personal opinion not touching the existing proposal and keep it as it is.
We contacted various of artists and offered them Bonus creating collection on functionx unfortunately no one was up for it yet.
Left milestones for users can be reached with marketing or growth of functionx ecosystem but doesn’t help for now.
This is why I made the post for discussing further…
Because we can’t made any other strategies without funds or earn revenue…
There is no doubt that the user base is not big enough yet for artists to be interested in our NFT exchange, as well as for users growth.
On another floor, I would strongly suggest that you build a bigger social identity and identify ways to grow beside FunctionX, which is already providing good upgrades and a bigger fanbase everyday. You should also better integrate with FunctionX websites (3rd party native-apps on their webpage, f(x)wallet dApp integration, etc.)
Personally, I wouldn’t mind voting a proposal upgrade (including some more $FX) using CSP (not EGF) to cover for unforecastable costs and bear market… especially considering the good results obtained up to now for that amount of $FX.
thanks for your reply.
Yes, we tried with the marketing manager without big success. Due to the lack of EVM support from the exchange and CMC/GC, it had a nearly 0% convertible rate.
Also, the agency for the bitcointalk campaign recommended postponing the campaign until evm is supported by exchange and fx kicking off marketing because to gain one single casual investor he has to do:
- download fx wallet
- technical understanding function x
- send ETH and FX ERC20 from exchange or dex
- bridge into EVM chain
- buy on
That literally kills 99,999% of any marketing success, and we followed his advice and postponed it.
In attention to find new users for our marketplace or token we also have to convince investors to buy into the function x ecosystem. With our small budget, we wouldn’t reach anything only waste money.
Hello! Just writing as a FunctionX supporter and member of the community! First of all, I would like to say that personally, I was enthusiastic about the launch of FoxGaming. And tried to keep active! An aspiring artist was brought in from the FX FriendsX validator to create a mini collection of FX bunnies. BUT.
At that stage, I ran into problems due to which we were not able to download NFTs on time. Connection with f(x)Wallet does not work. only via metamask.
By communication.
It was very difficult to get feedback from the team. Absolutely inactive twitter, which eventually led to the idea that the project was frozen.
I was very upset by a message from your employee who said that he had not been paid his salary for months.
All this is not a positive impression!
But I will continue to BELIEVE and support FOXGAMING. You are already a hero that you decided to do this in such a difficult period! Let’s create the right platform! From time to time I continue to post NFTs and even buy them))) I would like to believe that everything will work out for you! And success will come!
- Yes it’s not an easy time for us and as you see in my above post I pay for everything from my own pocket at the current time that’s why one employee had to wait some weeks on the payment because server costs and debugging costs are prioritized.
I paid him already.
- Connecting via fx wallet is only possible via wallet connect and QR scan
There are no problems with connecting the wallet. I mean when you connect FoxGaming and FXwallet it is not possible to place NFTs (only metamask)
why not hire indonesia artist
As a Foxcoin supporter and member of the fxcommunity, this is my personal opinion:
- First of all I hope you do not loose faith!
- Secondly I was enthousiastic with the launch.
But the issues:
- For a while the twitter account has been inactive.
- Personal questions through telegram were viewed but got no answer.
- Questions on telegram in general do not a adequate responses.
- I’m not the only one who has difficulties to mint our own NFT’s on the site. I gave up after numurous tries. Still no “how to” on the website or links to your telegram or twitteraccounts.
But the biggest issue is lack of users.
- This is partly your own responsibility to get more users, but if for example your twitter account looks dead, no one will come.
- BUT, FUNCTIONX also has some responsibility in this. They also can promote fox, marginx,… more. But as we know marketing isn’t their strongest point. And as you can see I placed this last issue in bold!!!
As nobody seems to notice or mention it… the site has been offline for 4 days now? Would be great to get an update what is going on…
@Fox_Coin ?
YES. Also noticed! It would be useful for the community to get information about the marketplace and the project token and the validator.
@Fox_Coin Responsibility and decency is very important, especially for a young community. Anything can happen and that’s okay. Especially in such an unstable period as now.
But it seems to me that to inform the community about the situation that has developed is just about decency. Not a word on Twitter or on the website. The marketplace doesn’t work. And I’m worried about the issue with the validator? Will it work?
Thank U!