Function X All-Hands Meeting on June 16th 2022

Function X All-Hands meeting is happening next week with Margin X :fire:

On 16th June 2022 at 9:00 pm GMT+8 MarginX will announce exciting news exclusively to the Function X community, so don’t miss out :star_struck:

Register to receive the link to join👉

You’re welcome to leave your questions and suggestions below! See you, everyone!


Should MarginX drop some NFTs for all registered attendees? What say you?

  • Yes! Yes! Yes!
  • Nope… I’m too cool for freebies :stuck_out_tongue:
0 voters

Question about the DeXpass card, say that you activated a card & it’s connected to 1 of your FX wallet accounts and you went overseas without your card & but you could acquire the cards seed, will you be able to either access the card funds Via the Fx wallet it registered to or would you be able to acquire another card and activate the card wallet you left at home on another card?

Question for Margin X:
Will auto stop-loss and take-profit triggers be a possible feature in the future?

Source: FTX

In FTX, you can open a long/short position and set a TP and SL trigger order all-in-one click.

Although i’m not sure if trigger orders is possible in a DEX since every transaction requires an approval.

Unlike CEX, every order on MarginX is happening on-chain (holds no token belonging to users) - our dev team will explore the possibility of this option in the future.


For example:

  • Bob opened a position and short Bitcoin at 30k
  • He set his Take-Profit (TP) at 25k
  • He set his Stop-Loss (SL) at 32k

He only needs to fill in the numbers and 1-click to execute 3 orders - 1 open order and 2 trigger order.

So if the price, 10 days later hit 25k, the position will automatically TP and close without Bob having to manually TP at 25k himself.

Looking forward to the upcoming updates! :fist_right: :fist_left:

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Yes. The above is ideal scenario, but when the market is very volatile - orders may not be triggered. Thanks for your suggestion, we’ll take into consideration for future upgrade :slight_smile:


We are on MarginCall tomorrow [pun intended :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:].

Some exciting news to share - Function X All-Hands Meeting (16 June 2022, 9pm GMT+8).

Register & see you on the call!

Also :trophy: LAST CALL #CountdowntoBeta contest at now!


cant wait for te new logo, will incorporate that in a new canvas



Thank you for attending FX All Hands Meeting … we are in touch with FX’s marketing team; and will send out invites to all registered attendees for NFT drop :slight_smile:

Please be patience as distribution will only kick off after EVM launched :stuck_out_tongue:
