Fx-evm mainnet

What is the status on the list of upgraded validators? @lancelai

i Have a re-delegation from Alif validator to LuckyFX freeezed

According to Zac on Twitter 2 hours ago, seems like 43 out of 50 validators has already upgraded.

Edit: Probably 46/50 now since ROCK, SCISSORS, PAPER Validator just tweeted 10 mins ago that they have successfully upgraded.


Why is the FX block explorer stuck at block 5714253 @Richard ?

Please update the list, most of the validators have been upgraded already. There are few pending such as: LuckyFX, paf_yyc_ca, blocktempo, Scale Moment Group and few other still doing the upgrade or sync as we speak (e.g. Rock, NOBI).
All mine are done since yesterday.
Explorer for FX has some gateway problem, it’s frozen, so it’s not showing up-to-date blocks. Team is aware of the issues.


List of upgraded validators:

1 :white_check_mark: “Singapore”
2 :white_check_mark: “Litecoin Foundation”
3 :white_check_mark: “Miami”
4 :white_check_mark: “SoPaulo”
5 :white_check_mark: “Blindgotchi”
6 :white_check_mark: “NewYork”
7 :white_check_mark: “Blockchain Collaborative Consortium”
8 :white_check_mark: “Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia”
9 :white_check_mark: “Istanbul”
10 :white_check_mark: “Madrid”
11 :white_check_mark: “Montreal”
12 :white_check_mark: “Taipei”
13 :white_check_mark: “Amsterdam”
14 :white_check_mark: “Tokyo”
15 :white_check_mark: “European University Cyprus”
16 :white_check_mark::man_mage: World of FX Wizards :woman_mage:
17 :white_check_mark: “London”
18 :white_check_mark: “nexus”
19 :white_check_mark: “Dubai”
10 :white_check_mark: “Seoul”
21 :white_check_mark::sunny:ⓧ FrenchメCore-1 ⓧ:sunny:”
22 :white_check_mark: “Delhi”
23 :white_check_mark: “DAOverse”
24 :white_check_mark: “Shenzhen”
25 :white_check_mark: :null “Superbit123”
26 :white_check_mark: :null “LuckyFX”
27 :white_check_mark: “Innsbruck”
28 :white_check_mark: “Bucharest”
29 :white_check_mark:null "¶
30 :white_check_mark: “ChiangMai”
31 :white_check_mark:null “[FxWorld] :rainbow:Let’s be the rain of humanity​:pray:”
32 :white_check_mark:null “Alif”
33 :white_check_mark:null “NOBI”
34 :white_check_mark:null “212th FX Battalion”
35 :white_check_mark:null “ClaudioメBarros :portugal: :ukraine:
36 :white_check_mark:null “Paper”
37 :white_check_mark:null “Nammy​:computer:”
38 :white_check_mark:null “Scale Moment Group”
39 :white_check_mark:null “Cogni​:brain:”
40 :white_check_mark:null “AquillaX”
41 :white_check_mark:null “:bar_chart:EA​:robot:31337​:chart_with_upwards_trend:”
42 :heavy_multiplication_x:null “paf_yyc_ca”
43 :white_check_mark: “SmallFort”
44 :white_check_mark:Dapp.com
45 :white_check_mark:null “Scissors”
46 :white_check_mark:null “Rock”
47 :white_check_mark: “Cyprus”
48 :white_check_mark:null “:waning_gibbous_moon::rocket:Moonbase”
49 :white_check_mark:null “blocktempo”
50 :white_check_mark: “Jakarta”


Paf_YYC_ca is upgraded and running.


With the last of the validators finally upgrading their node, all 50 validators in the f(x)Core network are now producing blocks to the newly EVM compatible f(x)Core chain!


Hi validators, there is an upgrade plan to get the following main new feature/plans out

Upgrade plans

  • Enable Gravity Cross-Chain Bridge to allow a many-to-one ERC20 token mapping feature.

    • This would allow tokens of the same type from different chains (registered on the bridge) to be bridged into f(x)Core forming a unified token which is chain agnostic.
    • Example: ETH-USDT, Polygon-USDT, Tron-USDT cross-chain through the Gravity Cross-Chain Bridge, then converted by the fx-ERC20 module, and unified into a FX-USDT ERC20 Token upon entering fx-evm. This is possible for other tokens apart from USDT.
    • The pros is that same token on different chains can be merge into same token on f(x)Core without creating confusing version (NO fxusdt-polygon, fxusdt-bsc, fxusdt-eth etc etc). The added responsibility is that the validators will have to make sure withdrawal from f(x)Core back to different chains is well supported.
  • Any addition of new tokens to this Gravity Cross-Chain Bridge feature logic would have to go through governance. Which means that after many-to-one feature is introduced, governance proposal is still needed to introduce new tokens into f(x)Core, which is safer. Therefore right after this upgrade we will perform a governance proposal to introduce new tokens into f(x)Core.

    • The proposal would need to be launched under the proposal type “RegisterCoinProposal

image: illustration of what will be achieved post-uprgrade, using USDT as example.

Tentative timeline we are proposing


  • Code release time: 6pm (GMT+8) on Friday, 22 July 2022
  • Upgrade height time: Tentatively set at 12pm (GMT+8) on Monday, 25 July 2022
  • Initiation of many-to-one cross-chain proposal to add USDT: 2pm (GMT+8) on Monday, 25 July 2022
  • 2pm (GMT+8) on Monday, 25 July 2022 (Testnet proposal voting period to be changed to 2hrs)


  • Code release time: 11am (GMT+8) Wednesday, 27 July 2022
  • Upgrade height time: Tentatively set at 12pm (GMT+8) on Monday, 1 August 2022
  • Initiation of many-to-one cross-chain proposal to add USDT: 2pm (GMT+8) on Monday, 1 August 2022
  • Proposal ends: 2pm (GMT+8) on Monday, 15 August 2022

You may refer to the latest news and releases information in f(x)Core v2.2.0 Upgrade Info or the official FunctionX Github.


Extraordinary news !!
Vote for yes…


Let’s get it onboard :white_check_mark:

Voting yes :white_check_mark:


Can we have image illustration of reversed flow from backend fxcore - bridge - to specific Blockchain :blush: so everyone can have clear view of the transition

Thank you


Sometimes there are these things i don’t (completely) understand, but where you just know it’s great (gut feeiing).

This is one of them :grinning:


Gravity cross chain sounds good!


To all validators, just to be clear, this is a hard-fork upgrade. Kindly read the instructions for v2.2.0 clearly.

There will not be any voting before the validator upgrade. this upgrade is to enable certain features of the blockchain. to activate these features, the governance proposal will happen after the upgrade


The testnet upgrade countdown can be seen here.

We will be using this link for mainnet as well.

There will be a unified explorer. https://explorer.functionx.io/
just add “evm” after the home page->PundiScan


Dear Validators,

  • The mainnet upgrade for v2.2 is ready
  • Both mainnet and testnet v2.2.0 have to be upgraded this time by Monday 1 Aug, by about 10am (GMT+8)
  • You may find the upgrade guide for both binaries and docker here
  • Information on the cross-chain bridges can be found here
  • We have prepared an Upgrade FAQ
  • The Upgrade countdown timer can be found here

Hi @Richard !

As explained on TG, here are the issues I found (on testnet upgrade only):

  1. My testnet validator appears INACTIVE in dhobyghaut-explorer
  2. Its latest block is 3920765 (25/JUL/2022)
  3. Its voting power still appears at value 138.
  4. When trying to unjail, response is Error: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = failed to execute message; message index: 0: validator not jailed; cannot be unjailed: invalid request
  5. Looks like almost all testnet validators are now inactive…
  6. Signing info appears the following :
  index_offset: "1983519"
  jailed_until: "2022-01-21T03:33:02.215566730Z"
  missed_blocks_counter: "62"
  start_height: "370259"
  tombstoned: false

fxcored version on my testnet node is release/v2.2.x-673b54983e0b52feb69ed4382f7ec44fbd80104c

These are the kind of non-stop error messages I’m getting:
a) Jul 28 16:14:10 fxcored[20262]: 4:14PM ERR Stopping peer for error err="blockchainReactor validation error: wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 6C93556A367CAF87A7F53539D58E3E646CDDFC44C174460E5A3AEB2AC07E59CD, got F6D442CD6D6449A66A4F61E244EF1E5EC1EC03FDE5D70DF401376A42C3EFB64F" module=p2p peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}} server=node
b) Jul 28 16:14:09 fxcored[20262]: 4:14PM ERR error while stopping peer error="already stopped" module=p2p server=node

Could you please ask the team to investigate ?
Thanks !

1 Like
  • @FrenchXCore there is a need for another round of upgrade. on testnet. So this time, both mainnet and testnet have to be upgraded. There was a fix of a bug from the last upgrade which is why testnet needs to be upgraded again. @ClaudioxBarros
  • @Fox_Coin @Aravan please refer to this Upgrade countdown timer can be found here. for all future upgrades, the countdown timer link will be the same.
  • @ClaudioxBarros you can perform any commands from another terminal through your validator node. just use the CLI and specify the --node flag and input the ip address of your node. Something like this example command

apologies to the validators who have already upgraded your nodes. we forgot to merge the latest commit into the release/v.2.2.x branch, so you will have to upgrade again.

@ClaudioxBarros @FrenchXCore @KuzoIV @nexus

if you run git log, you should be able to see the tag v2.2.1 inside
commit 5eef07630e89ad0bd786fb08fa0fb937e5c84d67 (HEAD → release/v2.2.x, tag: v2.2.1)