Another indicator that more active actions are needed in the promotion! Total 3985 subscribers. This is a very modest figure. Moreover, the FX project already has a history, not a newcomer.
Thank you for the very insightful posts. This is the most information ever posted about advertising efforts.
Have you thought about hiring an army to drive this campaign? For example: group of freelancers who specialize in organic growth through audience interaction. We all can make a post or two daily, but having a professional engage in conversations on forums/posts 8 hours a day will be more effective. Multiply this by 10 and now you have an army working 8 hours a day.
Or may be we can leverage AI now. Make AI based social media bots, who are fully trained on ecosystem knowledge and engage in conversations on social media to educate audience?
To build this social media army what has to be done first is this;
Decide which cashtage we going to use, one mandatory, and the rest are bonuses for each product.
So for Pundix. is it;
$MX #MARGINX #MXAlliance
$MARGINX (this one doesn’t work on twitter) can use $MARGIN without the X however, and not much competition or clutter there on searches.
Therefore I recommend THIS MANDATORILY; and the rest as bonus like the aboves.
1 so for Pundix use ALL CAPS
XPOS devices
2 Functionx
= $FX
- Marginx.
= $MXDEX which doesn’t even exist on twitter search so it’s good if we use it…
Then under every post, try and comment, like it of course and retweet it. Hitting likes doesn’t count as much, so try hard to comment with anything then the cashtag (must).
Then once you get a momentum going, you mute the whole chat for two three minutes (I think this comes when there are too many messages in Telegram, otherwise not needed with our pace) and raid any specific tweet, and smash away.
Also every so often use twitter to search the cashtags, and smash more tweets with comments and likes etc. This is how it’s done and I’am currently witnessing this method in the mong telegram group where its all synced and they have trended for 4 weeks consecutively. I have screenshots of 10.2M tweets, 8m, 7m all over the world.
This is how they trended. It wasn’t bots because the maths adds up and their twitter spaces audiences is within 5k+ each random times, with only 10min notice.
Let me know what you guys think here so we can unite, we have nothing to lose here and I think we should give it try. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here. Then after the raids of twitter and tweets, we can move to all the other great strats we are already doing but with a much bigger army. I do think YouTubers, tiktok come after this once we get Trending on twitter.
We don’t have enough tweets to start off with, we definitely need more. Because we have so much to talk about the Eco.
Thanks @Superbit123 for suggesting this.
$MX clearly associated to MEXC MX token, so we’ll skip that.
Let's go for this ...
$MXDex - MarginX / Tokens / Trade Related etc
Presently in used…
#MarginX - MarginX
#MXAlliance - MarginX Alliance NFT
#MXTalks - TwitterSpaces / AMA / Discussion
#MXMakerLP - Maker Liquidity Pool
#MXAIBots - AI Bots Trading Pool
#Web3Today / #W3T - WEB3 Today
#HitTheDEX - Hit The DEX music
#MX100Days - 100 Days Rewards Program
Thank you everyone for chipping in to create greater awareness for Function X ecosystem.
that is very useful information. To make this army, we need everyone commenting with the same hash tags. It can be achieved using monetary incentives.
Imagine: we have a group of people who are asked to comment, like & retweet with specified tags on each post - referred to as “task”. In exchange for completing tasks, they earn “task credits”. These credits can then be exchanged for tokens (FX, BTC, ETH etc…) through FX swap. People would do this religiously for side income/airdrops of tokens for their choice.
The amount of credits will be high enough to attract our ideal audience size. But the total amount of credit will be capped for each “task” & if # of people exceed, the credits will be diluted. People would do it for as little as $0.01 per task. So 5000 comments will only cost $50 per post. Target 10 post per week for total advertising cost of approx. $2000 per month!!
In an ideal scenario, this can be a DApp in FX wallet. It can later be marketed as an advertising tool for social media for other companies/projects.
If anyone here with blockchain programming expertise is interested to do the above project, we can team up! @FrenchXCore @indra @ClaudioxBarros
As far as as I like this idea, I definitely don’t have time to implement it myself…
We are planning to add this to our upcoming Zealy campaign.
ETA is in 2 weeks. Let’s bring more new users from external chains to come to Function X.
Nice! Looking forward to people learning how awesome FX wallet really is!
MarginX has just launched a new post on twitter:
My suggestion for this and all further tweets, either for fx or marginx or…, were we need to tag people. TAG people outside your comfort zone, people that aren’t yet a member of fx, marginx, pundix…
Let us introduce them to FX, MARGINX, PUNDIX or …
If we keep tagging people we know the circle doesn’t get bigger.
So for this I tagged 3 people who i do not know, but are in my friend/followers-list (don’t ask why or when, can’t remember)
I think we need door to door contant them
I try few time, to introduce fx to my friend
Be cautious of over-tagging because some leads to blocking or muting. Go lenient on it.
Don’t mean overtagging or spamming people just tag different people, next giveaway 3 other people outside the fx family. Because i see constantly the same people being tagged for giveaways.
Yes. The tagging works only if we can expand outside of existing FX Community.
Our recent/first Mandarin TwitterSpaces managed to create more awareness outside the usual posse, and MarginX has gained more new followers from DeFi space.
Hey @indra
Just some info concerning Zealy.
I had entered the fx-competetion and was around 10th place but last night I was bumped from 10th to 32th place.
Strange but that can happen. Until I got to a closer look at some of the people who overtook me.
A lot of them have made recently a twitter account, and all have the same info shared on those twitter accounts. All of them have the same amouth of quest done, and all of them have scored high because of their invites (75 or 100 people).
My conclusing is that 1 or a couple of people made up some twitter accounts and invited themselves a did the same quests.
for example: all these so called people with 100 quests have
- started using twitter in july 2023
- are following exact 12 people
- have 0 followers.
Yep… Lots of fake accounts over X/Twitter…
This social network is becoming more and more a honeypot for scammers.
Support!) Also noticed it! Just a bot farm)
Wow my positions from 8 to 44 lol
it got even worse… at first glance i got a minimum of 25 accounts all the same…
Hello guys, We are currently on top of this issue
I’m going to set a threshold for Sibyl Attacks and exclude them from the winner list
The criteria for Sibyl Attacks will be “not to be strictly tight, but things that we suspect are bot accounts”, which I think every community member can agree on
Thank you