Maker Liquidity Pool (USDT ERC-20) — Epoch 3

To all epoch 3 participants, the trading fee of MarginX on epoch 3 (16 Mar - 12 Apr) is around $18,585, hence 60% of $18,585 is $11,151 .

The team has swap $11,151 to 50,480 $FX

Hash as follows:

50,480 $FX to be distributed to all maker pool participants (both f(x)core and ethereum)

For example:
if Alice deposited $10,000 and the total maker pool is $100,000

Alice will receive 5048 $FX ((10,000 / 100,000) * 50480 )

Participants shall be able to claim the full $FX after 13th Apr 2023 12pm (GMT+8)