Maker Liquidity Pool performance report (epoch 4 - full )
Maker liquidity pool makes a trading profit of $1070.30 (0.272%) on epoch 4 (but the maker pool is still suffer from previous losses)
The platform fee that distributed to all participants of maker liquidity pool is 43,497 $FX
The total debt pool of maker liquidity pool is -$26,040 (previous is -28,473) - the team deploys part of the platform fee and trading profit to offset the debt pool
Explanation of the platform fee distribution
The platform fee that attributed to Epoch 4 is around $8,059 , which is around 52,220 $FX
Due to the liquidity and trading volume of FX-USDT pool and the recent price drop, (spread >5% ), the team has decided to use its pool reserve to offer a better rate without fluctuate the market, hence Epoch 4 does not interact with fx-swap.
The team is also mindful that the previous debt on epoch 3, hence we decided to allocate 8703$FX (16.66% of 52,220 $FX) to payoff the previous debt pool. Thus, all maker liquidity pool participants shall share a total of 43,497 $FX proportionally.
Duration: 16/4/2023 - 11/5/2023
Reporting Date: 11/5/2023
Part 1: Balance
Address | Trading Pair | Initial Balance | Current Balance |
0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB | BTC-USDT | 131,043.99 | 130,625.71 |
0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 | ETH-USDT | 133,564.40 | 133,271.50 |
0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 | FX-USDT | 127,812.58 | 129,594.61 |
392,420.97 | 393,491.82 |
Part 2: Key metrics
Address | Trading Pair | Trading Volume | No. of Transactions |
0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB | BTC-USDT | 22,407,350.00 | 10,530,928.00 |
0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 | ETH-USDT | 8,769,718.00 | 11,302,688.00 |
0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 | FX-USDT | 3,243,849.00 | 9,678,750.00 |
34,420,917 | 31,512,366 |
Part 3: Profit and loss
Address | Trading Pair | Initial Balance | Current Balance | PNL |
0xF937CE482E067B315446A1f63E48FFF599C788DB | BTC-USDT | 131,043.99 | 130,625.71 | -418.28 |
0x83ED913a3f7adC173f05e3bF60b5AA9dfaBFc3e6 | ETH-USDT | 133,564.40 | 133,271.50 | -292.90 |
0x17C2003c23604dC67845947A7514FddFB427cfe9 | FX-USDT | 127,812.58 | 129,594.61 | 1,782.03 |
392,420.97 | 393,491.82 | 1,070.85 |
Part 4 Debt
The remaining debt on Epoch 3 is -$28,473
After deducting the trading profit on Epoch 4 ($1070) and $FX distribution ( $1363), hence the remaining debt on Epoch 4 is -26,040