Would you be sharing data to show how effective are your posts (reach, likes, actions taken etc.) As part of your monthly payment approval ?
Yes, which is why it’s not a 10 minute per day task. Posting and going back daily to measure day 1, 2, and weekly to get a reasonable count. Independent of the spam/scam responses that I get.
But it looks like I’m only getting no votes so far so it probably doesn’t matter. ABRA likes the process though. I can only do one.
The voting I see here have majority yes vote. Is the actual voting happening on FX core?
No actual voting yet. But my feedback has mostly been negative with No being the primary response
I will vote yes, anything that helps the company is good for the company. About the payment I’m not the one paying anyways.
I think this needs to be considered again. With Function X team relying on community to select the marketing talent, it will have to come at a cost.
@worgforee if you rewrite this proposal and and ask for monthly fx in USD equivalent, you will have a better chance of success (one of the reason community freaked out was because FX price jumped to over $2 when you wrote this proposal). Also combine with this: Advertisements Proposal
I think if you clearly state how many hours you will allocate monthly to market this project on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc, in exchange for FX equivalent of $X monthly, you will succeed! I am even willing to even pitch in towards the 10,000 fx security deposit if team doesn’t modify rules around it.
How come you agree with that proposal
4000 fx per month
4000 x 12 month = 48.000 fx a year
And there no one agree with my proposal
For free
I suppose because your proposal is missing stats. You must have input and anticipated output shown in factual numbers to get consensus.
I actually stated approximately 2-4 hours per day throughout the day 7 days per week. That’s 100+ hours per month. At the $.40USD price at the time that equalled $1600 per month or about $14 per hour with multiple starts and stops throughout the day. Both for posting and tracking the results (shares, likes, views). Some need 5 or 6 postings per day because of their volume of posts. And the proposal is for 6 months where we should be fully live. This is an extension of what I have been doing for 2 months for free. Coin News Extra is on board and so is Wall Street Journal and based on the responses we are gaining fans and investors. If it’s voted down…I get my life back and get to sit back and relax on the Moonship. Even at the current price per Fx this is an Owner’s proposal that’s discounted and not a get rich quick one. I currently have another crypto that pays me $150+ per day in crypto for less than 2 hours a day work.
@worgforee Would you like to be a speaker tomorrow at the All-hands meeting Twitterspaces event and speaking about your proposal to the team/community?
FYI i will vote yes at your proposal later bc i believe you do great work.
Yes I will explain. Thanks for the vote of confidence.