We need push #functionx hastag on twitter
Please try to spend some time in a day posting the hashtag #functionx
Like comment and retweet fx community posting on twitter
We need push #functionx hastag on twitter
Please try to spend some time in a day posting the hashtag #functionx
Like comment and retweet fx community posting on twitter
Ok, but what to say? Function X is still building, and it’s perfect during crypto winter, but if we have nothing to say and just use the hashtag, I think it’s unproductive.
As CZ said, we must push the marketing very hard, starting the new bull run after the next halving ~APRIL 2024.
I’ve seen a screenshot of FxChain tested on Kplr. It would be great to see LP on osmosis! and see fx-swap for example or other plugged with kplr and huge APR with pools like FX-OSMO / FX-JUNO / FX SCRT / FX - EVMOS all this tokens with big passioned communities.
With this kind of news, we will see many tweets, pertinents as well.
Personally, I use it when we have exciting news like fx-swap or the marginx NFT.
I precize I have a big exposure on Fx and want the success of this asset too.
We pust awareness on twitter with hastag #functionx
When bull market come
People subconscious feel ever heard about fx chain
That how bitcoin marketing
Most people know what bitcoin even they don’t buy it
In people mind
Crypto = bitcoin
When bull market on
That would big boost for marketing functionx
Becuase people have knew function x subconscious
What is your twitter account. This way I follow you and will retweet all #FunctionX