Hi, I cannot send BNB from BSC Testnet to my ERC20 token contract address that I have deployed in BSC Testnet https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545.
The transaction hits on the smart contract with an error.
However, when I send ETH from Rinkeby network, the transaction happens successfully to same address in Rinkeby network.
What would be the problem here? Thanks in advance.
BSc crosschain is now enabled partially. Testing completed. No need to send tesnet coins. @nuwanrg
Thank you for the reply.
What do you mean by no need to send testnet coin?
I am developing my own smart contract program on BSC test net and for testing purpose I am trying to send BNB from metamask to my contract. I can send ETH on Rinkeby (same contract). But I cannot send BNB through BSC test net. I dont want to send real BNB just yet.
OK. This thread was for BSc crosschain testing and helping Function X team with BNB testnet tokens.
This forum is for Function X blockchain project. @nuwanrg
For your problem may be you can try bsc crosschain functionality
@eduardstal please close this thread.