Sending BNB BEP20 from exchange wallet to fx wallet was not received yet for more than 24 hours

but in activity recorded success @indra @zaccheah

ok, let us check.

For the VPN, which country ip are you using?

singapore - cbd

Ok, it is kinda weird, and we need to do further check.

Can you please try to remove the bnb and re-add it? It is on “add token” section. Please try it using VPN.

Let me know if it is still happen

it’s not enough to just delete the token, but need to
re-install it in vpn mode. BERHASIL…

failed to connect fx wallet via wallet connect to claim purse, both
in vpn mode. how to do this?


This case looks weird. Can you please turn off the vpn when u connect to the page?
Just to double confirm if it happens on both situation.

failed both. via vpn was done after non vpn failed. what tokens must exist before connecting?

BNB on BSC network.

I just tried it now and works fine. Have you seen the authorize button? Or the error page just appeared right after you scan the QR code using f(x) Wallet?

available BNB on BSC
fx wallet connencted as above, but no change in walletconnect. what it should look like if it’s connected?

so after u scan that QR code, the error page appeared, isnt it?

after you scan the QR code, your f(x) wallet should show the “select address” page, where you can choose your BSC address.

bnb isn’t appeared, so can not pay the fee.

why does bnb not appear, what’s wrong exactly?

finally claim $PURSE success… thank you for your help…

ok. good to hear that :slight_smile: