Can someone share the specifics on what to do with FX token…
FX rewards have been claimed before the deadline; eligible to receive 100% of the reward to be unlocked.
Do we leave the FX staked?
Will staked FX somehow transition to main net?
Will FX need to be Redeemed by owner and transitioned to main net.
Have been following all the info closely but am not able to establish a definitive answer to this question.
To help with confusion… Please respond with a simple straight forward summation of what to do with FX… how it will move to main net… what if any action(s) FX holders must do for smooth transition.
On mainnet you will be able to transit back and forth form eth network to FX network, do first claims asap if you have not, that triggers the rest of your rewards release over the next 19 weeks, Redeem Pundix now if you wish and FX after 27th june, redeem all before end of december this is a once only use contract all your staked coin you should return to your wallet, to move to mainnet you will later cross your FX to fx network