- Front Page of FX Wallet - Total Value to include Delegated Tokens under “My Assets”
Currently, it is categorized under different blockchains like Ethereum (ERC20), Function X (fxCore).
Maybe you guys can add an extra category called Delegated Tokens at the front page so we have an overview of everything at the front in a seamlessly manner.
CryptoBank will be the page where we delegate and see our rewards and the front page will be the “Overview” page where we see how much our delegated tokens are worth exclude our rewards.
- Rewards Section to show dollar value $$ for both delegated tokens and rewards, the same as pre-entry governance stage.
- Allow us to shift categories up and down at the front page by click-hold and dragging.
Currently, we can only drag tokens but not category. Since we are mostly using fxCore now and lesser of Ethereum, i would like to drag my fxCore to the top and make Ethereum underneath.
Or make it as Default - FxCore to be at the top since main net is live already.
- Next up, Swap Feature.
Let us swap Ethereum directly into FX (fxCore version) so we can seamlessly stake without any hassle of doing multiple swaps.
This will encourage more beginners to stake easily.
This is actually what PancakeBunny did for PancakeSwap by introducing a swap that converts 1 token (Example: BNB) into 1 pairing without you needing to balance between 2 tokens for a pair which is quite troublesome. This actually boosted their AUM staked cause it was sooooo easy for new and old investors.
As we see more adoption take place, more companies will try to innovate and make it easier for the masses and the ones who make it very hassle-free usually wins.
Small details like these actually do help AUM or in our case, higher staked ratio.
- Make tierings for friendly competition and it drives us to keep aimming for the next rank.
10k FX - Bronze
50k FX - Silver
100k FX - Gold
500k FX - Platinum
It is just giving ranks to holders, more of a pride / competitiveness mindset thing so i think this is a good thing. Or you can choose a cooler name for ranks
3 benefits of Ranked System:
- Make holders maintain their holdings & rank
- Make holders want to achieve next rank by buying more
- Competitive holders will aim to be #1 which makes FX more scarce ( rare )
It makes the investors feel really good, this is EXACTLY what all top crypto companies do.
Just take a look at Crypto.com, Celsius, BlockFi - All of them have tierings and it makes it so much more fun and exciting apart from it being an investment.
Like i can’t wait to achieve the next rank! I really really wish this would come.
We all have seen how gamification made PancakeSwap into one of the best, if not the best.
Rankings also make investors to want to achieve the next rank by continuing collecting and holding while maintaining your pride aka your rank. It’s like a game but a game of money and pride.
- Dark Mode / Other Modes too like i notice FX love to use the multiple rainbow color
- If the staking is coded to be auto-compounded, put the word “Auto-compounding” beside the APY
This will attract more investors / stakers since staking right now is extremely popular, we should make use of this chance to get our staked ratio as high as possible before the bull market returns.
All the things i suggested are for convenience sake which is basically making the User Interface (UI) easier for both the new comers and existing users and this is also what other apps are doing.
Other than that, i think everything is perfect.
Can’t wait to stake my PundiX