Starting from now to Jan 21, 2022, leave a review of XWallet or f(x)Wallet app on App Store/Google Play and let us know how much you love the app. A total of 160 reviewers will be selected to each receive 25,000 $PURSE, which means 4 million $PURSE will be distributed to the selected reviewers!
How to participate:
Go to XWallet or f(x)Wallet app on App Store/Google Play
Rate the app and leave a review tell everyone why you enjoy using the app
Leave your iTunes or Google Play usernames and a screenshot of your review as replies below to be eligible to participate in the campaign.
40 reviews of each platform (App Store and Google Play) will be selected to be rewarded. Each winner will receive 25,000 $PURSE, a total of 4 million $PURSE awaits!
Hi everyone! Thank you for the chance to win PURSE. I would review the wallet with no chance. It is a great wallet. I really like it. My username is fishinstud.