Even if Apple intends creating their own crypto which would function in their ecosystem, it won’t be a bad idea if the pundix team were to introduce their technology to Apple using the function x platform. They could make their crypto to be as unique as they want while pundix would simply embed the function x software into their phones and create the crypto-financial platform for Apple’s crypto activities according to their specifications so it would also help the growth of Pundix and Apple. It might simply just require a bit of customization
I def agree with you on that front. They may have no clue about FunctionX and any introduction or discussions of any of the sort related couldn’t hurt.
I think the best idea would be to list Apple’s coin onto the XPOS device.
Many people are users of ApplePay and iPhones so listing apple’s crypto would see a huge potential market benefiting us.
understanding of the tech is a bit out, Fx is a wallet they could use on their device, they could make a blockchain on the FX network and have their own eco system on fx chain, but it’s not a system they inbed on their device, BOB is; apple could incorporate BOB software in the future and have blockchain phones as well using pundi’s BOB sofware, these products are unique to pundi apple can adopt the use them, but they will never own or control them especially if pundi own the concept patent.
The Bob Technology is compatible with android.
Sure Apple would be a nice target. But with very much development costs.
The Android Systems are easier to tackle from here on.
For example Samsung or oneplus showed they are interested in the tech.
Bringing them to the table is a more useful step at this time.