Hi guys and girls,
LootProject took the Ethereum world by storm last weekend. Just for fun I forked it. BlindBox NFT is this social experiment and probably worth nothing. It’s unrelated to Function X / Pundi X for now and runs on Ethereum.
Please drop suggestions on how to use BlindBox, for now it has no interpretation apart from being a NFT.
BlindBox is a randomized adventurer numeral system NFT and stored on-chain. Stats, images, and other functionality are intentionally omitted for others to interpret. Each time a BlindBox smart contract is claimed it will generate a NFT with eight random numbers. Your BlindBox NFT is viewable on OpenSea or any NFT-supporting wallet.
BlindBox Ethereum contract (one and only): 0x94d63b7af8bb003cd435311137776f86c4be2c3b
Please note
- This is a personal weekend hobby.
- Code is based on Loot and not audited.
- BlindBox NFT is useless unless interpreted.
- Expect nothing from BlindBox.
Q: How do I claim?
A: Access the BlindBox smart contract (0x94d63b7af8bb003cd435311137776f86c4be2c3b) in etherscan. Click on “contract” > “write contract” > connect to Web3 (eg: MetaMask)” > “claim”. In the claim section, input > 0.03 Eth for “PayableAmount” and choose a random number < 7778 for “tokenId”. The ID represents the NFT you own and the > 0.03 Eth the fees you pay. If you claim with =< 0.03 Eth you will get a transaction error.
Q: What if the fees are too high?
A: If you get insanely high gas or insufficient funds it means that the BlindBox NFT is already taken. Choose another number for your “tokenId” to claim other BlindBox.
Q: How do I view my NFT after it has been claimed?
A: OpenSea is an option.
Q: You said Loot-inspired?
A: 99% of the code is taken from Loot, the 1% changes is to randomize number creation and to charge 0.03 Eth fee for each NFT claim. For those familiar with Loot, the “greatness” probability is taken away.
Q: Is this the code safe?
A: It is not audited hence you can assume it’s not.
Q: Will I own the BlindBox NFT?
A: The BlindBox NFT you claimed will always be yours.
Q: Will you port this to Function X?
A: Let’s see. No promises.
Q: What’s the usage of BlindBox NFT?
A: BlindBox’s functionality are intentionally omitted for others to interpret. It can be used as a random number generator, game stats, etc. It could also be useless.
Q: Why is there a 0.03+ Eth fee for BlindBox NFT?
A: To see users re willing to pay 0.03+Eth for a NFT. Will donate all Eth collected, more on this later.