Is possible build dapp gift fx in telegram and whatsapp
So if we want give reward to member/community
We just give a gift box no need sending coin manual
Of course, it is… However, there’s still the issue of signing the transaction decentrally (without communicating your seedphrase).
Most of telegram/whatsapp applications are not decentralized, i.e. a specific walllet is created by the application on which you need to transfer tokens, and the application is owning your private key for this wallet.
i love the idea
Is it possible if dapp gift box as store coin before gift shared to member?
So no need seedphase
Like i want gift 100 fx so dapp storing the coin
When i want to give the gift i just give the link
It’s the same issue…
An “Application” can allow you to create a SocialMedia specific wallet which you can fill and refill as you wish. But this app needs access to the private key of this wallet to sign a transaction. The only way to do that is if this application OWNS the private key of this wallet.
There is also another possibility using the “Authz” feature of Cosmos-based blockchains, but noone would decently grant the authorization to a third-party app to transfer money out of their wallet.
The only way around would be to integrate WalletConnect or another feature within social media apps (Telegram, Twitter, etc.). And there, it could be decentralized, using WalletConnect and f(x)Wallet QR code scan and transaction signing.
That’s still a lot of work, though, especially considering that there’s no documentation on FX around “how can we request a transaction signature to f(x)wallet ?”