f(x)Core Mainnet Validator Bugs/Fixes & Technical Support


There are different types of keys, validator and wallet keys. do have a look at the link above @Superbit123 @Bernando @KuzoIV .

Additionally, once youve bounded your wallet to the validator key in the create-validator transaction, majority of subsequent queries/transactions made be made in a validator’s capacity.

for eg. say you would like to vote on a proposal

fxcored tx gov vote <proposal_id> <Yes/No/NoWithVeto/Abstain>

running the above command, and inputting your wallet key say --from=Richard (this key will be pointing to my wallet’s address with the prefix fx…)
Additionally do not forget to add the gas fields to your above transaction


because your validator key is bounded to the wallet address, sending the transaction above will vote on behalf of all your delegated stake as well.