f(x)Core Update 20220110: f(x)Core Mainnet Internal Validator Commission Rate Change

Starting from Jan 10th, 2022 (Singapore time), the Commission Rate of Function X Internal Validator Nodes on f(x)Core Mainnet all raised to below:

  • Singapore node: 10%
  • Rest 25 internal nodes: 5%

To view the current Commission Rate, visit PundiScan
Full list of 26 Function X Internal Validator Nodes:

  1. Singapore
  2. SoPaulo
  3. Madrid
  4. Jakarta
  5. Singapore
  6. Seoul
  7. Tokyo
  8. Shenzhen
  9. Taipei
  10. London
  11. Montreal
  12. Bucharest
  13. Innsbruck
  14. ChiangMai
  15. NewYork
  16. Cyprus
  17. Delhi
  18. Miami
  19. Istanbul
  20. Amsterdam
  21. Dubai
  22. Sydney
  23. Porto
  24. Kigali
  25. Lagos
  26. SanSalvador