FX x ZooGames [UPDATED]

Howdy, everyone can make promises & numbers will be the fairest way to judge.

if it has huge potential to bring users, you can add it to your milestone, and we all can see from the result.

i did not see much impact on the wan chain, which is why i am asking here.

ZooGames holds the potential to attract users to the FX chain, certainly. I truly respect and understand your point of view. However, it seems we’ve reached a point of differing perspective views, and we remain committed to our proposal.

Have a nice day

EDIT: We’re proud to be the flagship dAPP on Wanchain, and we genuinely believe we’re the dapp that binds the Wanchain community together around a commun project: Multichain Gaming.


No need hurry


Can we make 10k to 20k player
Texas holdem poker facebook have 100 millions player
Have 10k/20k player not too high target

During the next bull run or when web3 gaming takes off, it’s definitely on the cards. But for now, we’ve got to lay the groundwork and manage our expectations. That’s just how it goes!


I suddenly remembered old games such as Metal Slug if anyone remembers playing them in Arcade or Miniclip website. I think that would be addictive as a game itself haha. Just throwing ideas around since the game details is yet to be discussed.


Aye for this proposal, just love the concept.

My caveat is, the launch is first 20% work, upkeep post launch is 80%. Most dapps in other “big chains” are just zombies. Mostly abandoned.

So yes I will vote yes, but the bulk of grants should be based on post launch figures - usage, etc.

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That’s precisely our plan in this proposal.
$20k will be released after the game’s beta version, and the remainder upon the final game launch.

The initial $40k is earmarked for liquidity and won’t be personally accessed by our team. Instead, we’ll use it to construct a gaming marketplace essential for ZooGames to operate smoothly. Making vZOO liquid on FX is one of our priorities otherwise it doesn’t make sense to build on FXcore.


I’ve finished all the Metal Slug Arcade games. Big fan! However, we’re leaning towards launching a multiplayer game. But, who knows? Maybe one day we’ll create a simple solo arcade game just for the fun of minting cosmetic assets on FXcore. :wink:


Hello everyone,

We’ve genuinely enjoyed our interactions with the FX community over the past two months, discussing the potential of web3 gaming.

Despite our three years in blockchain development, it seems we haven’t been able to align our idea with some members of the FX foundation at this time.

We’ve invested significant effort into this proposal, believing that our proposal presented minimal risk to the FX community. However, without the foundation’s endorsement, achieving the required 40% quorum for proposal approval becomes challenging (probably impossible).

We’re grateful to everyone who showed enthusiasm for our project. We hope you’ll continue to support ZooGames as we explore opportunities across multiple chains.

The proposal ends here.

Warm regards,


Special thx to @FrenchXCore @IvanFunctionX @FxWorldValidator @John_Blair @bigwhales and @SCENE

The thread remains open if you have any question concerning ZOOGAMES.


No proposal?

@Genshimaro , I’m sincerely disappointed to see your withdrawal.
Would your position change if @FrenchXCore (or myself) was to contribute to your proposal deposit ?

I have another question to EGF council (@zaccheah , @kenorb , @Richard ), which I already asked in PM, would you support this proposal ? (a simple answer would be really appreciated)

And to all public validators :

  • I suppport ZooGames latest proposal
  • I don’t support latest ZooGames proposal
  • I abstain
0 voters

Thanks everyone !



Oh,… im suprised. I dont know what happenend in the background but i believed everythink went in the right direction to create a game on fxcore. Now im also dissapointed that we even dont had a proposal for vote.

I still believe that we will reach the quorum. If we look from the point that we want growth/expand than i would say it is a good option to intergrate zoogames into fxcore. Or do someone else know a better option than zoogames?

@Genshimaro almost everyone is thinking positiv about this proposal. So dont give up please.

I will also contribute to your proposal deposit.

Best regards


My thought is drop the Bomb at light the fires, some times to much over thinking and caution could be worse, If you don’t go you’ll never know. aim & shoot


Hey guys, just want to chip in a bit with my personal thoughts.

I don’t think the funding is of any issue in the first place even if the Zoo team requests 200k or more.

I “think” the ideal target route the team wants to have currently is to have a high quality game with a solid onboarding strategy and not a reduced budget game. As you know, even well funded games are struggling to find players.

  • Again, funding is not the issue at hand.

The key topic of discussion for the majority of the projects they have been in discussions with is about TvL and the number of users they can onboard, which comes down to the metrics point. Incase anyone is not aware, the team is in talks with some of the biggest project at the moment and the main topic all the big boys want to discuss about is numbers only.

As you know, the bear market is still on-going and the main issue every project have to solve now is “adoption” and “liquidity injection” upkeep. Afterall, TvL growth is what brings the most attention to a protocol.

And don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of Kawaii Chaos and what the ZooGames team can bring to the table, however, grants are multi-dimensional on a business level and don’t depend on a single factor like “The community loves it” to get funding because for every project, the phase is:

  • Development phase > Upkeep phase > Maintain phase.
  • The second and third is the hardest to achieve if a project struggle with onboarding which will result in insufficient revenue to sustain continuous progression and development.
  • Remember, the focus has always been about the long term.

I hope this is not the end and I would love to see a sweet collab in the near future. Peace!

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Hello Scene,

Once more, we’ve clarified on several occasions that investing in a game like Kawaii Chaos and anticipating a grant upon its completion isn’t feasible for us (A game such Kawaii Chaos will personally cost us around 120k$ to 150k$ to build minus the 60k$ asked for the EGF)

I quote:

This is why we’ve adjusted our expectations based on what we believe is a manageable risk.

Regarding the project phase, I concur to some extent. However, we’re presently in the Maintain phase, focusing on game development and enhancing our protocol. It’s essential to note that we aren’t a brand-new project without a strong foundation or experience. ZooGames has been operational for a year, functioning seamlessly, and is backed by a clear and ambitious roadmap.


But why then even have DAO if “The community loves it” is not a good enough factor to at least try to make something happen…? And regardless, I honestly feel that we have explained / presented / illustrated a more than worthy proposal that would bring eyes / TVL / cross-community participation and promotion to FunctionX, as well as establish solid foundations for future expansion and bull-run rockets within web3 gaming… But hey :person_shrugging:


While we understand and respect that some foundation members may have differing views, I want to declare that all our discussions have been conducted (in public or in private) with the utmost respect.


We are really surprised by the amount of members who sent us sympathetic messages and they really pushing us going until the end , that’s mean a proposal…
We don’t wish to let you down, so we’ll be presenting our proposal today.
Our next post will outline the final proposal details, followed by a vote.

We’ll then leave it in the Validators hands to determine the outcome of this journey.


Howdy, let’s see it from a neutral point of view.

i asked this question in this thread, and no one from the Zoo team gave the numbers.
“did ZooGames attract more users on wan chain, and can you state the number here? it will be good information for readers here.”

i was curious and checked the 3 top collections on openzoo using the recently sold filter.

  1. zoo genes, 2 transactions in the past 2 days and 1 transaction 9 days ago.
  2. zoo booster, 1 transaction (8, ,11, and 23 days ago)
  3. zoo elixir, 1 transaction 3 months ago

let’s just go by the numbers rather than argue with feelings.

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Hey Genshimaro,

Yes, I’m aware that the ZooGames mentioned that they require the funding before development can take place as hiring is required.

However, from the grant distributor point of view, I would assume that the foundation is also thinking the same as well to safeguard the EGF by having each project to state the metrics of their product and deliver first before the grant is distributed.

  • Both the ZooGames and the Foundation requests are appropriate and not wrong because they are both employed in actual practice, but in this particular circumstance, both are thinking the same issue, which creates a “Who will give in first?” situation.

As Zac have mentioned,

“I feel it’s right to propose metrics. We can discuss the numbers for the active user metrics, but it’s important to have them - really - even a lowered number for both nft marketplace and game before any grant distribution when/if the grant passes.”

As I’ve mentioned as well, most projects in discussion are mainly talking about numbers and metrics only and this applies to everyone, not just the ZooGames team.

Hey Timmy,

It is because there are multiple scenarios to consider and the community is one part of them. This is especially important to implement at the start when the industry is still in its infancy stage with so many abandoned projects, such as Crabada, wasting resources.

  • I’m not saying that ZooGames will but it’s more of a safeguard to have metrics that applies to every project.