Fxcored crashed with error "ERR UPGRADE "fxv2" NEEDED at height"

At first, I start syncing from this snapshot fxcore-snapshot-testnet-2022-06-20.tar.gz
When I start fxcored with command "sudo /usr/bin/fxcored start --home $HOME/.fxcore

The first error I received is:
INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr={"id":"a817685c010402703820be2b5a90d9e07bc5c2d3","ip":"","port":26656} err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p server=node tries=0

Then some other errors:
ERR Stopping peer for error err=EOF module=p2p peer={"Data":{},"Logger":{}} server=node ... ERR Error dialing peer err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p server=node ... INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr={"id":"a817685c010402703820be2b5a90d9e07bc5c2d3","ip":"","port":26656} err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p server=node tries=1
It keeps trying again to connect to the peer with “ip”:“”,“port”:26656

Then show up some other errors before crashed.

panic: Failed to process committed block (434966:72CC4D44FEAECC91EA1B15732AE9BEFDCED1EA37B8CD6AA9753034073A0FE38A): leveldb/table: corruption on table-footer (pos=879326): bad magic number [file=012586.ldb]
goroutine 74 [running]:
github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blockchain/v0.(*BlockchainReactor).poolRoutine(0xc000dba8c0, 0x0)
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.19/blockchain/v0/reactor.go:401 +0x123a
created by github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blockchain/v0.(*BlockchainReactor).OnStart
github.com/tendermint/tendermint@v0.34.19/blockchain/v0/reactor.go:110 +0x7a
6:29AM INF Unlocking keyring
6:29AM INF starting ABCI with Tendermint
6:29AM ERR failed init node error="failed to initialize database: file missing"
Error: failed to initialize database: file missing

Appreciate if you guys have any idea regarding this error.


Luckily, I followed this post and solved my issue, thanks @ Mdmdmd83