Maybe our fantastic art designers can design some sort of artwork for enticing OVO stores to put it up on the store wall. You never know if he likes it, he may print it on a canvas and hang it up. Make sure to include your name somewhere. Be part of history…
Remember a Turkish theme could be good. Maybe upload them here on this thread, one day he can have a look at them.
@FrenchXCore just a suggestion/idea. If you have any Turkish students, or the room to translate some of the PundiX script end products into Turkish language, that could help OVO as well in the long run.
I’ve noticed they have screens in his stores and having an educational video playing away could be a good idea to on-board more users.
I think it might be possible, but I don’t know for now.
Another solution would be to produce a timelined script of sentences to be pronounced. We might then be able to edit a video in any language the community might provide.
I’ll keep that in mind.
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