Influencer margin x trading

Hi i recomending
Mr andy, he is best trading influencer
He will big exposure for margin x

I choose mr andy than mr angga andinata or michael wyann

@orbitant @indra @zaccheah @BlueStitch @ByteXSylvia @DavidK @benyorke.eth @xin @Judie

Thanks for recommending. Do you know him personally and has direct contact?

I have his telegram

His telegram group

His is real trader
Not just influenser like angga andinata or michael wyaan
They just for ads fee

This is his phone number

thanks. will try to contact.

Hello @orbitant have you contact andy
He will get exposur as trading
He own copy trading as well

@orbitant did you contact andy firmansyah yet

After careful evaluation, MarginX will not consider any sponsorship for his channel at the moment; however, he is welcome to talk about MarginX if he wishes.

Do inform him that he can generate a referral code for his benefit. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

He trader
He own copy trading