Claim error
Try refreshing your browser.
I had this error but it went away after refreshing.
I did it and still issue persist.
also i had a problem to enter in the forum from computer after delete cookies and i had to try other way to enter without google login.
I’ve forwarded the video to @orbitant!
Maybe @eduardstal can reset your google login issue? Not so sure about this.
thank you again
The google login issue should be fixed, it appears a secret was misconfigured for the OAuth client. Let me know if the issue persists.
Solved, i can login now with Google Login window again.
Thank you.
This is the first scheduled reset and we will reset weekly.
This allows all testers (especially projects) to experience first hand how easy it is - to “Create Liquidity Pool” function works (list own token/perpetual).
Thank you for supporting MarginX 2.0 ALO
ahh ok understand jejeje
I would like to try a larger number of tokens than what is given in the faucet day by day.
To ensure all testers have equal chance, we restrict the number of test tokens request set to every 24 hours.