Join Function X All-Hands Meeting on 28th April 2022

Are you ready? Function X All-Hands meeting is coming :fire:

Join us on 28th April 2022 at 9:00 pm GMT+8 to discuss the progress. @Keith from Baklava Space will talk about their project and the plan to utilize MarginX :star_struck:

Register to receive the link to join👉

You’re welcome to drop your questions and suggestions below!


Hi everyone !

I have plenty of questions, but won’t be able to attend this AMA, all my apologies in advance…

1) With respect to EVM:
a- When can we expect EVM on FxCore mainnet ?
b- Will there be a very thorough guide on how to upgrade mainnet validators ? I’m afraid some validators might have issues in doing the upgrade.
2) With respect to roadmaps:
a- It was my understanding that FxCore would be the orchestrator for multi-chain transactions (especially considering DeXPOS). Was I wrong ?
b- Does DeXPOS also support online FxCore and PundiXChain networks transactions (not mentioned in the recent publication) ?
c- Will MarginX network rely solely on $FX for transaction fees ?
3) With respect to PundiX:
a- Why did the NPXSXEM swap to PURSE not considered as burned ? (especially since the tokenomics of PURSE and NPXSXEM are completely different)
b- Will we see unconverted NPXS-to-PUNDIX burnt at some point ?
4) With respect to tokenomics and governance:
a- It is widely accepted that Cosmos-based blockchains (like FxCore and PundiXChain) realize a Cosmos snapshot and airdrop cosmos users with their own tokens (to thank them for providing the Cosmos blockchain source code and environment with absolutely no counterparty). Could that be considered by the team at some point ?
b- Is there an intention to coordinate a lowering of the gas fee by default at some point in time ? (any validator can do it on its own : currently set to 400000)
c- What are the next steps envisioned by the team on the FX network regarding liquidity pools and stablecoin integration ?
5) With respect to technology:
a- Can we expect a Cosmos and Tendermint upgrade at some point on the FX network ? Some very interesting features were added (granter/grantee, etc.) since the version used as a baseline for FxCore
b- Would it be possible to create and share a WalletConnect Cloud Registry for f(x)wallet ?
c- Would it be possible to start a “Developer” category on the Gitbook, to allow developers to start working more closely with the team on integrating features with f(x)wallet, FxCore, PundiXChain, MarginX ?




I’ll keep it Margin X related since our special guest will hopefully go in-depth with all their information and together with the AHM time constraints…maybe have an extented meeting, which can cover some of the many questions from Frenchxcore. If not, I think a medium article would be great at some point and can be used for future FAQs by members.


  1. How close are we to releasing Margin X?

  2. Can we expect Margin X marketing efforts near to release?

  3. Part suggestion & question, should we increase the incentives from fxmd to Margin X related contents, closer to release, like a build up? Another example here can be big features such as EVM release estimatation to fall in line with community efforts, like a focused effort.

  4. Is it possible to align marketing efforts with other entities, such as our guest, or other unannounced partners…

  5. Suggestion, should fxmd throw a give away to a randomly selected individual for the best question to get more activity. And carrying this going forward…

  6. Will Margin X be attanding any events with its product features?

  7. We may as well ask the question of crypto journalists to pick up the first in the world crypto to stock facilitator…:crossed_fingers:

  8. Has the fx team had any luck with expanding its Margin X Dev team, or fx in general?

  9. Is there any particular suggestion from the communities regarding Margin X taken into the actual development? I ask this as it gives more motivations to those suggested features, or considerations at the very least.

  10. Can our partners Kronos, be compatible to Margin X in any shape or form?

  11. Any rough plans on Margin X release competitions?

  12. Have a great meeting, SB123

Will FX use this as their official profile logo? It looks much nicer.

The plain letters F X logo below look like it was done without effort. I hope it doesn’t give the impression of being lazy to outsiders.

We need to standardized our logo and not use 2 types for people to remember us clearly.


Dear Function X members, in case you missed the All-Hands meeting, @indra got you covered :star_struck:

:fire: EVM progress update
:fire: deXPOS stats update
:fire: MarginX update and vision
:fire: FXDM update
:fire: Baklava Space presentation
:fire: Q&A

Read here :point_right:


Thanks to the team for answering my many questions during the AMA, even though I couldn’t make it.
I’d like to discuss furthermore the 0x item and also the Cosmos airdrop item.
How could we proceed for this ?

Same, thanks for answering some of my questions, (Danny).

I wish more and more devs join fx ASAP. The quicker the better (subjectively) because I am very excited about the direction the team have in plan, it’s infrastructures of fx and the many things we read here herein the ama, is a hand full to digest.

I missed the info, in the re-run ama regarding a team contacting fx team about AMM DEX… :crossed_fingers:

I never ever doubted the teams technical abilities, I wish we could all push them even further, eg new bright ideas or suggestions (it’s even being rewarded now) showing me personally they are confident and need as much as possible thrown at them… Fx shaping up to be a beast of a network. Great stuff, loving it. Things are definitely getting more spicy now.

I am just pondering to myself, how do we maximise this ama technical prowess and make fx more wide-spread, using these information/directions? Dev meet ups… Not sure but wishing more devs know about functionx.