Marketing - Social Media Emoji

Hi all,

Just a random thought, Emoji is a great tool to gain awareness in Social Media (i.e Twitter), and there are several projects that are successful in using emoji as a marketing tool.

As an example, here are the leading projects with their emoji (from default list) and it is super successful.
Terra :full_moon:
Avalanche :small_red_triangle:
Polygon :purple_heart:
Not to mention the Bitcoin, Binance with their custom emojis (this will take time for submission)

If we want to apply this idea for Function X, which emoji should we use? Thoughts?


:chains: i like
or :globe_with_meridians:

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Function X ⓧ ( Our actual symbol, can copy paste on twitter )
Function X :medal_sports: ( Medal/Trophy )
Function X :globe_with_meridians: ( Global Domination ) - i like this, the lines represents FX connecting to every part of the world

Here are some people can choose from:


I think this one is a great suggestion + it is a default emoji :globe_with_meridians:
ⓧ is nice too.

Let’s see other’s suggestions.


Function X :space_invader:
FX :space_invader:

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:man_mage: World of FX Wizards :woman_mage: on

I’d say we need it to be readable and simple.
The ⓧ is definitely my favorite.


I like that one too. Tho, someone needs to find it, copy and paste it right? Would be better if it was searchable as an emoji. Easier to add it when you type something on your phone.

FunctionX :dizzy:

But really awesome was out own emojis :grin:

:mechanical_arm:FunctionX blockchain

Looks great tbh.


We are the X-men of Finance. Imagine everyone have the same icon. Become a cult :joy:

X looks good but what’s it called as i was unable to find here, I use the crossed swords

I just copied from Scene’s post lol. It is not a default emoji.

But i think it is cool and represent our X community.

Function X - :heavy_multiplication_x:

This is a thicker X which looks more luxurious. It looks like Pundi X’s :heavy_multiplication_x:

:heavy_multiplication_x: ← there is a X there, it has a grey color which is the same color as the forum page so hard to see.

Have to copy paste on twitter to see the actual design.

It is , use it for some years already :grinning:

Aravan also i think


Polygon just changed their emoji color.

Clever, carbon Green.

yeah last one is really amazing

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