Can we please make Fx on Fxcore (not erc20) available to Purchase on Fx wallet. Could we also make PUNDIX available to buy on Fxwallet. And can we have Fx as a Fx token available on the swap function. It doesn’t make any sense to not be able to buy our own coins on our own wallet.
It would mean less fees for people to buy PUNDIX or FX. It has cost me alot to get both FX and PUNDIX, buying and swapping on other exchanges and then sending to FX wallet.
I agree. Buying eth, just to then use another transaction to swap to PundiX or fx is not efficient. But there would have to be another reason for this, I believe it would have to do with ramp, if I’m not mistaken.
I’m sure it’s coming guy’s be patient, many connections to be made on FX core yet; we are only in very early days; eventually your options will be endless and I’m sure this is one of the ecosystem priority’s
I am sure it’s coming too, I guess we just need to as a community make it clear what we think is most important. Maybe this will take time to implement. But it is going to be critical. We need places for people to buy Fx easily.
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Yes i already mentioned it in the Zac’s FX Wallet Feature Suggestion.
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