Really impressed with mainnet launch

Well done, in a professional manner. Right when it was launched, the FX Blockchain Explorer page was already live and I could see all of the different validators and transactions. It was really easy to do the cross-chain transfer, and even easier to delegate. So many cities to choose from, it was hard to decide. It’s probably best to spread out your delegations across multiple validators. Hopefully we will be able to re-delegate our rewards with auto-compounding feature in the future, but so far I am really really really pleased and really excited for the future of Function X and Pundi X


Totally, launch was really well handled, I am hoping also for auto-compound as Zac said in one of the posts in forum that there’s already auto-delegation integrated. Hopefully it will be added soon :slight_smile:

This was the post - Auto-Restaking / Auto-Compound - #5 by zaccheah