
How do I Redelegate? I have emailed support within the Wallet 5 days in row with no return emails. Thanks

Are you delegating yet?
on your fxwallet go to your delegations then.
Press on the validator your are delegating too.
on the right side beneath it says “redelagete”
Choose a new validator.

Hi JaydeeBitcoin,

  1. ‘Delegate’ is to stake FX lying in your wallet.
  2. ‘Undelegate’ is to unbond your tokens from a validator - which will be in limbo for 21 days.
  3. ‘Rewards’ is for withdrawing your earned rewards.
  4. ‘Redelegate’ is to change your current validator to another validator.

  • You can withdraw your rewards under ‘Rewards’, then delegate again through ‘Delegate’.
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This is all the new wallet shows no redelegate, no undelegate. That’s the calasic wallet . It made me change to the EVM wallet.

Go to “view my delegations” now

Yes I’m using the EVM wallet. Yes I have been delegating since they first started.

It’s not under there or under delegate.but I am on that page

Go to “view my delegations” and after go page down and push your validator

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Ty all for the help

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Got it changed