Seven days ago, this forum was launched. Here's some data we gathered since then

Top 10 active members: @Jan @Angie @MakeTheSwitch @Toneavii @jan75 @Telchar @Superbit123 @rob @Burnrubbert @AquillaX


Congrats all, members, community and the PundiX team. This along with the switch to Chainlink to increase security are very very good news, really. Let’s all keep doing our contribution.

:clap: :muscle:


Looks slick! Can I ask which program/software you used to get these slick charts?

The ones on the white background are provided by Google Analytics, it’s easy to implement within any website, there are a lot of tutorials online. There are a few more statistics google analytics can provide but I haven’t included them in order to keep this post of a decent size.

The black background ones are provided by the forum itself.

Nice! Thank u