I’m checking steps at Setting Up a Validator for f(x)Core Testnet, especially Create Your Validator section and I’m trying to understand the step differences between testnet and mainnet (which are not there yet).
However, for testnet I would expect different addresses to be setup.
For example:
~ # echo "dune antenna hood magic kit blouse film video another pioneer dilemma hobby message rug sail gas culture upgrade twin flag joke people general aunt" | fxcored keys add fx1 --recover
- name: fx1
type: local
address: fx1zgpzdf2uqla7hkx85wnn4p2r3duwqzd8xst6v2
pubkey: fxpub1addwnpepq0fm764k7avz9v559ps4w97q6jq4wpnhutcdksp3m85y050e2egzcrft4wx
mnemonic: ""
threshold: 0
pubkeys: []
Note: Don’t worry about the private key, it’s copy-and-paste from here.
So for testnet, shouldn’t we specify a different coin type (–coin-type) (or purpose) like for Bitcoin? See: bips/bip-0044.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips · GitHub (where coin type is 1 for testnet, and 0 for main network).
Otherwise how do we differentiate addresses between testnet and mainnet?